Bien plus qu'une boutique en ligne !

Much more than an online store!

Feb 22, 2024Service Client


A new vision for Espace local!

Since its beginnings in 2020, Espace Local has always aimed to celebrate and promote Quebec products. Founded with a common vision of highlighting local know-how, the company has evolved over the years. However, this evolution has not been without its challenges!

Going into business in a co-manager model is an important decision, especially when visions and values ​​diverge over time. It was in October 2023 that Virginie, co-founder of Espace Local, took the reins of the company. For her, it was crucial to favor products entirely designed by Quebec artisans rather than importing Quebec companies. She thus brought a new perspective, a deeper vision of what it really means to support local artisans. For Virginie, Espace Local was not simply an online store, but rather a mutual aid and support platform dedicated to Quebec creators.

Local purchase

Driven by her passion for project management and always brimming with creativity, Virginie undertook a radical transformation of the company. Its objective was clear: to make Espace Local much more than a simple online store, but rather a destination where memories come to life, where the stories of artisans are told, and where the Quebec community flourishes. 

Thus, Espace Local has become a true creator of local memories. Our souvenir shops no longer just offer local products, they tell a story. Each product, each item is imbued with the very essence of Quebec, its land and its culture.

To realize this vision, Espace Local is committed to promoting Quebec products throughout Quebec. Our online store becomes a meeting place where artisans and local lovers come together to share their passion. Our tourism partners become a vector of influence. Special events will be organized, offering visitors the opportunity to discover new creators and enjoy unique experiences.

But our commitment goes beyond the simple promotion of local products. At Espace Local, we believe in supporting artisans, supporting them in their development and helping them grow their businesses. Our support and advice service offers creators the tools they need to succeed in a competitive market.

By transforming Quebec souvenir shops into true temples of Quebec know-how, we aspire to propel local businesses to new heights. We believe that by joining forces, sharing our knowledge and celebrating our common heritage, we can create a brighter future for all.

At Espace Local, we pride ourselves on being more than just an online store. We are the guardians of Quebec culture, the artisans of memory, the creators of links between people and communities. Join us on this extraordinary adventure and together, let's make every moment a precious memory here.

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