
Welcome to Espace Local, your ultimate destination to discover and support the treasures of Quebec’s terroir. At Espace Local, we firmly believe in promoting local products, by highlighting the know-how and passion of our Quebec artisans and producers.


Our mission

At Espace Local, our mission is to promote and support the local economy by providing a platform where Quebec creators and artisans can present their unique and authentic products. We are committed to encouraging responsible and sustainable consumption, by promoting quality products, made with care and love.

Our Founder

Virginie Hamel | Founder Local space

At the head of Espace Local is Virginie Hamel, a passionate and determined entrepreneur, with solid experience in the fields of management, marketing and communications. Mom, businesswoman, business development advisor and vice-president of the Montreal East Christmas Village, Virginie brings diverse expertise and a deep commitment to her community.

Our values

At Espace Local, we are guided by fundamental values ​​that shape the way we work and serve our clients:

Quality: We carefully select products that meet the highest standards, ensuring an exceptional experience for our customers.

Commitment: We are committed to supporting our local artisans and producers by offering them a showcase to exhibit their talent and passion.

Community: We believe in the power of collaboration and mutual support, which is why we encourage local entrepreneurs to connect and share their experiences.

Outreach: We are determined to make our Quebec treasures known beyond our borders, by developing strategic partnerships with tourist sites to promote our authentic products.

Our Commitment to You

At Espace Local, we are determined to create memories from here and to offer you an exceptional shopping experience. Whether you're looking for gourmet products, artisanal items or unique gifts, we're here to help you find what you're looking for.

We thank you for your trust and support. Explore our online store today and immerse yourself in a world of discoveries and Quebec delights.

Welcome to Espace Local, where every purchase tells a story and supports our beautiful province. #LartDeVivreDici

The Local Space team

Thank you > For promoting our local products!

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